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    This is a doozy: To begin with, let's once again lay to rest a popular canard: overturning Roe would not,…
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  • Check out this post on Huff Post ... all of two seconds after electing an anti-abortion Dem for Governor. The…
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  • Check out this post on Huff Post The presumption is that Alito is primed to rule against Roe. Whether he…
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  • Yup, this win is Democrats giving credibility to a know GOP wedge issue. Should Dems also stoop to Nixon's Southern…
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  • elected MORE anti abortion Democrats... what do we have to lose...
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  • Let's beat the Republicans by by electing our own... Republicans. Shuler is not a traditional Democratic candidate: he opposes abortion…
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  • Like I said MANY TIMES anti abortion Democrats are NOT partisan in this respect... anti abortion Democrats PUBLICIZE the fact…
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  • for fucksake read the summary...
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  • How many times are you going to ignore that anti abortion Dem no matter where the hell they are state,…
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  • this was a made up wedge issue...invented by the GOP and it worked because the Dems decided to "be like…
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  • Many people have the misconception that the Republican Party has a stronghold on pro-life issues. Yet, by our count, there…
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  • Stop lying to yourself... and to others...why the fuck would they be anti-abortion if they were not going to legislate…
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  • "What's the Matter with Kansas"
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  • I never said the GOP would be "better" choices. The Salazars are Republicans... point blank. Neither have any loyalty to…
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  • To compare someone like that to the Devil is just wrong. How else would you describe a politician who uses…
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  • What is Berlusconi up to? He is very astute politician.... kinda like a Rove and a Bush in the same…
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  • decent, peaceloving, universal-healthcare-advocate Democrat... who is willing to politicize a woman's body for political gain and willing to jeopardise her…
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  • state legislatures are MORE IMPORTANT since if Roe is over turned and kicked back to the state the Democratic base…
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  • if that were true) it would make sense to run them in the interest of winning a majoriry IN THE…
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