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    Changed the title
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  • Susan you know this is not an attack. This ties in my last diary which also and another diary here…
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  • Are Pounder and some troll named (none / 0) Parker one and the same. There is an Asshole over at…
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  • he has the right to be somewhat upset by it. Truth hurts...
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  • If you have something to say to me say it to my face you coward.
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  • Whixh is why we need to find out more about Simon Rosenberg since he is the self proclaimed "Sugar Daddy"…
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  • Is there anyone else having technical problems with Daily Kos? I keep getting this message: Exiting via interrupt: 15
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  • What an ass. Do you all want to see what an "attack" looks like to Jerome Armstrong: Re: Jerome -…
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  • listen I sadly have to sign off for today. I am not going to repeat all of my comments here…
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  • and lie .... For the record (and despite hysterical assertions to the contrary), I'm neutral in the Ohio primary. Well…
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  • This is why the DLC/NDN are pushing to get rid of issues and ideology... it slows them down from ripping…
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  • Is there a reason you are not reading my posts to your request for more information?
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  • Oh yeah... here is where Simon Rosenberg sells out the unions so he can make money from a cable company…
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  • We just need to slap a great big FEC regulation on these bad boys they will straighten up and fly…
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  • 1. NDN was formed by Lieberman, Breaux and Rosenberg. In 1996 Lieberman, Breaux, and Simon Rosenberg founded the New Democrat…
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  • I agree DK is more than the front pagers however most of the brightest and best diarist have left. This…
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  • KOCH INDUSTRIES INC POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (KOCHPAC) read it a weep... nice company that Simon Rosenberg keeps... check out their…
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  • NDN's wingnut friends NDN PAC Party: No Associated Party 901 15th St NW 7th Floor WASHINGTON, DC 20005 Recipient's Name…
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  • I was that this is not a rant about banning but what is implied by the banning... Agree with me…
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  • Remember this Rolling Stone article: Four Amendments & a Funeral The Ex-Im loan was a policy so dumb and violently…
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