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    So does this mean that Sanatorum's homeschooled kids are exempted?
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  • for confirming Miers is because the conservatives are pretending not to like her... are we that dumb? Can someone tell…
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  • You mean to tell me that you never heard Kos and DHinMI and Co (and you obviously) ..berate MANY people…
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  • Do you get the feeling that Gore is now trying to make ammends for his sordid past?
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  • Fine you may not coordinate ...but that is the basis for Rosenberg "Grand Media MEssaging" plan... creating an echo chamber...…
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  • DHinMI is such an extreme case that you really really really have to like the guy to be within 20…
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  • We don't coordinate our message within sites Yeah you do... that is what the conference calls are about. Hey...MB just…
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  • Now you see the real base for the anti-abortion movement... I particulary like debating the anti-abortion loons on Kos and…
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  • Is Reid consciously trying to drive a wedge between moderate and radical Republicans? NO he is being his usual sell…
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  • Perhaps you are right this is not the time nor the place... I just wondering out loud about MB sudden…
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  • It is QUITE rationale when you have read a fraction of what DHinMI has written or done... to which MB…
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  • Blogging on the same page with DHinMi questions anyone's intregrity... Because he did "ban, purge, censor, troll rate, pummel" dissenting…
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  • He's got the whole enchilada in there.
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  • You are blogging with the biggest sociopathic goon in the entire blogosphere DHinMI... don't tell me you hadn't noticed? Surely,…
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  • I am trying to figure out, how in such a short period of time you went from admonishing those who…
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  • why should we assume the monkey is Because it will sealed the wingnuts to the GOP forever... and when this…
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  • set a nasty precedent when it becomes our turn again. Open your eyes... do younreally see the Dems coming back…
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  • Interesting how that segues nicely into the "undirected" echo chamber in the blogosphere started by Kos...
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  • Remember this: This revelation comes on top of one early this month that Roberts did pro bono work helping a…
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  • Are you saying that you have forgotten that they did the EXACT SAME THING FOR ROBERTS?
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