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    I already mentioned this above: Obama is being Colin Powell-ized ... This is the second time Obama has been sent…
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  • How many times have the Dems rigged the primaries. Damn, Carville even came right out and complained that the Dems…
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  • http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/9/27/121923/737
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  • The real problem is that the Dem lies are no longer working. It is a lie that the Demcratic leadership…
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  • You call me a prick and then say I am hostile...
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  • whatever..
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  • The other thing Parker is that the Republicans Empire is who you really should be pissed at. NO THE OPPOSITE...…
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  • I believe in fighting for the party and candidates you want, and voting for the result. If we had a…
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  • Kos has Obama begging people to to be mean to the sell outs .... This just proves my point they…
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  • I really think this is why Nagin did not send these people on buses and waited for the national guard...…
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  • This is not reality: NOW we need to write, call, scream at the dems on this next one and make…
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  • I do not see any solutions in this thread Then you did not read carefully. It seems that common solution…
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  • http://a9.g.akamai.net/7/9/8082/v001/democratic1.download.akamai.com/8082/images/content/20050922_DO Jletter.pdf
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  • You came to this thread... to defend the prickish behavoir of the Democrats.. . Let's just say we don't see…
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  • http://www.southeasttexaslive.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=15293465&BRD=2287&PAG=461&dept_id =512588&rfi=6
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  • Just being thoughtful...
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  • discussions about taking our government back from the GOP and I suppose that discussion would center around ... keeping powder…
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  • Log Cabin Republicans are gays who are non"purists" in their ideological and issues stances in the GOP even when the…
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  • essentially means you don't really take issue with the GOP majority in all three banches of the federal government. Is…
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  • Yes there are many "Log Cabin Democrats" who feel privileged being apart of a political party that is intent on…
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