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    No, what I was asking you about was the "centrist" crack. ... Do I come across as that ignorant to…
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  • Also a mass migration to the Greens even though this is not a representational parliament would still in effect give…
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  • I didn't say don't vote for Dems. I don't vote for Republicans just because they have ab R next to…
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  • One more reason: He is not afraid like these meally mouthed Dems who won't even type the word Democrat on…
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  • BEST REASON: Ben would make a BOLD contrast against a GOP and will stand up and state Democratic principles. He…
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  • He is progressive He is well versed. He is well known. He is rich and good looking ....an Edwards (who…
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  • Thank you... MB that is a broken record and it doesn't work any more... "netrootz" is a double edge sword...yes,it…
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  • This is the difference between the Dems and the GOP... only in the GOP dreams would they have someone like…
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  • not you the ones who came out immediately to critize him yet embrace Casey et al
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  • Arnold ran for governor right out of the box.
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  • You mean like an action hero non American body builder running for Governor of one the the largest states first…
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  • You make a very good point... He can't be worse than Casey or Langevin or Taylor...
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  • As a good friend used to tell me: You don't have to bite into shit to know what it taste…
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  • Ferrer was way ahead until he decided to run to the right of Bloomberg ... Some remain angry over Mr.…
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  • Democrats are all we've got Bullshit I'd rather support a Green on the local level than most of these so-called…
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  • Therefore tell me again why Roberts is in the best interest of Dems?
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  • Gimme a break today we are watching Brown investigate HIMSELF for FEMA's failings... funny... how no one is SHOCKED that…
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  • No it makes THIS pick to the court of immediate importance
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  • It has already been once to the Supreme Court.
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  • what are you basing your absolute conviction that Roberts will overturn Roe on Oh... just five years of lies and…
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