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    It is NARAL's fault they gave Vermont an "A" rating for pro-choice.
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  • I am finding it amusing that "over there" there is gloating over the fact that Chaffee will vote for Roberts...…
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  • This was on the BBC A British couple told how the National Guard signaled to them in the Superdome to…
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  •   Partition of Iraq Would be Wrong: Dawisha Adeed Dawisha an Iraqi political scientist, explains why talk of partitioning Iraq…
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  • They had suggested immediately after taking Bagdad that they wanted to split the country in three...
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  • Riverbend does not have a searcheable site... but she also mentioned awhile ago that it was US troops doing a…
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  • Riverbend said this last year that the US was pushing for civil war...
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  • calling him un-democratic because he left off Al Gore in a poll, at BooMan Trib is not. Agreed
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  • Kos is backed by Simon Rosenbergs 200 million dollar pack to create the "New Media" for the "New Democrats"... I'd…
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  • Greg Palast is a loser. Galloway papers deemed forgeries Iraq experts, ink-aging tests discredit documents behind earlier Monitor story. By…
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  • For heavens sakes, I have listened in on conference calls... I am not stupid.
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  • Where are the real people?
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  • Harry Reid and his DFL buddies will just hide the women's bodies like they are doing in NOLA. Botched abortions…
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  • It's not just for breakfast anymore...
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  • Will this be online anywhere?
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  • I think the most frustrating thing about the Dems capitulations are their pathetic attempts at trying to camoflage their actions.…
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  • No in the meantime, you can keep you ballot blank and support local candidates on school boards, sheriffs office, city…
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  • Do what you want... This is what is really breaks down to: I voted against best interest, before voting in…
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  • There are PLENTY of other alternatives on the local level. NONE of the ABOVE: If the Democratic establishment is intent…
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  • It is time for Democrats to "Just say No" and leave some ballots blank. I don't reccomend "not showing up"…
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