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    No, I think it is about time that Democrats leave some ballots blank. Voting for people like Casey and Taylor…
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  • More likely Armando was told by the powers that be... ie Lieberman via Ried and Al From via Rosenberg to…
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  • Ho  it's your Birthday We're gonna party like it's your birthday
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  • The Democrats should block Roberts's nomination on principle. NO The Democrats should block Roberts's nomination because he refuses to turn…
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  • He is a sociopath. Boo has a conscious and feels bad about hurting people's feeling. DHinMI just jerks off.
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  • Bass-O-Matic (boy I am really aging myself) Belushi's Samurai Master Baker Eddie Murpghy Jesse Jackson's "Don't let me down Hymie…
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  • This is why you should never apologize to a Jackel.
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  • refusal to acknowledge vote fraud investigation in primarily black districts Ding, ding, ding, ding... I am stupid I hadn't made…
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  • I agree vote for real Democratic progressives... and leave the other ballots blank.
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  • I think we are going to have to call their bluff... They intentionally put up these wretched candidates like Gray…
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  • Follow the links I have already posted in previous comments. All thought REPRESENTATION is general it is the crux behid…
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  • I butted in and replied to your other post
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  • If you like how the Democrats are voting now ... then continue to support them. However, I see the rapid…
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  • Hence my abject hatred for the DLC. All pretense should be removed that they are Democrats... they are not. They…
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  • If this was possible, wouldn't it have already been done? It is possible and was being accomplished until the DLC…
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  • you should not have appologized... you were right. You have too much integrity like Gore... and the jackels will always…
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  • Yup... I truly don't think that the American people can afford this bullshit anymore from the Republicans or the Democrats.…
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  • in fact when you have a STRONG leader this happens naturally. It is only in the case of weak leadership...…
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  • in fact when you have a STRONG leader this happens naturally. It is only in the case of weak leadership...…
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