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    You got a point... seems like whenever things slow down... he says something stupid on the FP to get people…
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  • Did Kerry even mention "Civil Rights"... I don't think so. And when he made those weak pathetic "outreach" ads ...he…
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  • You mean that if you don't kiss Casey's ass you are not a good Democrat.
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  • Kos is wrong... Then why didn't they pass their Social Security bullshit... they are the majority... because they were looking…
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  • I tried to follow the rules here and not make it personal... eventhough it is critical.
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  • This exchange is priceless: on the other hand . . . . . . telling Republican moderates that they won't…
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  • shame on you... Fool me twice shame anyone but me... Priceless: "Several diplomats said the slide show reminded them of…
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  • It will look like him... Anti-choice conservative Latino Republicans NPI [the DLC PPI's little brother] will focus on three areas…
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  • Silly Girl... all of those elusive swing voters are going to magically appear and vote Democratic... CENTRIST ... now do…
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  • To ensure that the Democratic party remains irrelevant That kinda looks like the "Big Picture" to me...
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  • This is Al From'a DLC agenda to the tee... The DLC blamed women, anti-war and gays for Kerry's lost... et…
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  • A poor showing of Kos's credit card activist when called "To Action"...
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  • Kos is NARAL basing in the front page again in the midst of Roberts hearings... how much did he rake…
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  • I wish the Greens would get their act together...are there any Green Blogs in Scoop?
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  • Re: Anti-abortion in Lousiana George Will was distressed to see all those single mother evacuees in NOLA who were so…
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  • What can we expect from Democrats when they put this on the frontpage of their website..  
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  • Frat of Fools: Gingrich argues that the values debate that has divided America so sharply during the past decade is…
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  • Nationally syndicated Clear Channel radio host Glenn Beck referred to survivors of Hurricane Katrina who remained in New Orleans as…
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  • Lavish tastes of card-carrying lowlifes Profiteering ghouls have been using debit cards distributed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina -…
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  • It was caustic sarcasm... Something about a smote in one's eye...
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