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    They need to know they have the right to "Be FREE"... I am so glad you front paged this.... Let…
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  • IT'S ILLEGAL!!! WE CAN NOT LET PEOPLE BE DETAINED LIKE THIS!!!! I was wondering why they US kept asking Europe…
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  • Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement Principle 13    1. In no circumstances shall displaced children be recruited nor be required…
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  • This is from a diary I wrote when they started moving people to the Astrodome Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement…
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  • Check this out a FEMA Detainment Camp in Oklahoma  with pics
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  • Good thing they are not politicizing this...
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  • and at one point he joined the chorus of blaming Blanco... until Rove's machine found him dispensible and started blaming…
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  • Russert, Brooks, Security Moms, and wingnuts voted for Bush because 9/11 scared the shit out of them. They wanted a…
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  • Both...
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  • He will give Bush cover... CNN                 just said that the federal government…
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  • Updates as they come in on Katrina 03:34 PM CDT on Monday, September 5, 2005 Tom Planchet 3:32 P.M. Ben…
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  • Damn all the so called Democratic assholes who are covering for the GOP...ie Bull Clinton, Breaux etc...
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  • Surely the Dems could tie this to the indifference in the NOLA disaster... but that would mean they would actually…
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  • Dissappointingly Nagin is turning agaist her...
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  • This "fight" about Federalizing Lousiana ...stinks more than the SuperDome
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  • Geez I did't read the whole diary ...seems like everyone has gotten the meme memo..."The next one will be better"…
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  • Well it seems as though the Dems have already made the concession. Armando is spouting the new party line: In…
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  • Stated that FEMA has been sabotaging releif efforts from the beginning... to the point of even cutting their emergency telephone…
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  • Sorry I have to agree... They can't even save the people... I am not going to scream about them not…
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  • I just spoke to my cousin who told me of a friend in Atlanta who took in 22 people...10 were…
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