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    He promised to count every vote and has helped to count every vote. No he hasn't...
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  • phew...that felt good.
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  • A halving of hunger and poverty; Attaining universal primary education; Drastic reductions in child and maternal mortality; Promoting gender equality;…
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  • Check out the diaries on DKos attacking Nagin... Why? because he has vowed to bring the poor Blacks back to…
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  • Didn't Kerry just recently pull out of the court case in Ohio regarding the voting procedures????
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  • Just wondering out loud why two CIA agents are now front pagers...
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  • What conclusion??? I asked a question.
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  • ... and this ONLY happened in the poor areas... 80% of NOLA was under water.
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  • What's with the militarization of Booman??? Col. W. Patrick Lang (Ret.) - U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces…
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  • I have to agree... they pulled Russert back on the reservation...
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  • Just want to point out and excellent comment to this same diary on MyDD I'm going to be blunt.  Denial…
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  • It is official they will not rebuild for the poor: The idea, spokesman James McIntyre said, is "to move people…
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  • It is official they will not rebuild for the poor: The idea, spokesman James McIntyre said, is "to move people…
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  • JOHN M. BARRY was disappointing on MTP...and he lied. Saying that both disasters in NOLA tore down the barriers between…
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  • There are words and actions... I think Nagin is pretty much through with his former Republicans party after they sic'd…
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  • When are we going to finally open our eyes to see that this party has been co opted by the…
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  • Breaux is cover for his real party the Republicans... they can spout bipartisan appeal...when in fact they are all Republicans...
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  • Dems are not pounding on the security issue as well as the obvious racism.? A majority of Americans (57 percent)…
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  • It is like when Cheney showed up in a parka and hiking boots to a memorial service in...Europe. The next…
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  • no they are just covering their ass from Bush refusing to tell Blanco that he was coming to her state...…
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