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    Those were different times...
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  • will not sit out an election no matter who the Democrats nominate Sorry but that dog don't bite anymore... too…
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  • Or was this anti-choice Harry Reids plan all along.... to show that abortion is draining on the Democratic party...as the…
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  • I say just let them fall on their pathetic asses. Why should we prop up this shit with money and…
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  • Obama posted a letter chastising "democratic" coalitions for being pissed of with Leahy... that is why Obama can kiss my…
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  • Once bitten twice shy... Kerry betrayed that African American voters... at least Gore had an excuse that he did not…
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  • Oh... I think Kerry killed his chances of winning about 2 seconds after he conceded. He was pulled off of…
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  • This is not a matter of right or wrong. The Democrats know damn well what they are doing is beyond…
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  • Are these people so delusional to think that people are going to step up to bat for Kaine like they…
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  • This is typical of the DLC and if this anti-woman fundamentalist wins then the DLC will shout that they are…
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  • Time for the DLC to grow its own grassroots. They are a cancer that has creept into the grassroots poisoning…
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  • It is just what that DLC did to Micheal Moore and Move On... they are committed to destroying any organizations…
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  • I have heard that certain front pagers that behave like jackels ... thye have access to IP addresses and from…
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  • What is see is two incidents you are pointing out about so-called "Reverse racsim" in education the first happening to…
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  • con't... yet to this day to believe this and I have seen you write this same story on other blogs…
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  • And the point I made is that Black Atheletes subsidize white students and colleges... a point that your college counselor…
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  • Oh please... I have worked in college admissions... tht person was pulling your leg. In fact, the majority of universities…
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  • your black friends get college funding and you don't Are they going to college with all those wefare queens...Sorry not…
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  • hmmm.... sounds familar....is this a new frame?
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  • Senior Meteorologist Rob Cordry of the Daily Show Jon Stewart: Well, at the very least, is the government better prepared…
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