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    Here is a diary that was been deleted by the powers that be on MyDD but is still up at…
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  • For donors, NDN provides precertification that none of the politicians are noisy populists. "The candidates are validated to people in…
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  • What Simon Rosenberg is really speaking of when he says "difficult to win, frankly" is that is it difficult for…
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  • FEC BLOG REGULATIONS NOW I mean... yack... this has become an Insiders Club. Now they got Jeff Seeman shilling this…
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  • I agree... which is why I am not making a big stink about the banning per se but what it…
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  • This is why I think that the Blogs should have some kind of FEC regulations!!!! And I guess why Kos…
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  • Chris Bowers was advertising in DK diaries for people who want to be paid to blog!!!
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  • They are too greedy.
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  • The first time I was threated by Jerome was because I posted an article OF HIS praising Hackett.
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  • I think they are going to do themselves in.
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  • At this point I do not care who they promote as long as they allow for an opposing opinion which…
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  • Well I think it is clear that their ideas (well.. that of the DLC/NDN) of a big tent is shutting…
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  • I am all for new media and netrootz activism... and when I see it I praise it ...but bought and…
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  • This makes no sense...I am getting sick of the Dems only wanting to run if they don't break a fingernail.…
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  • Exactly...Boo keeps invoking a zero sun game which is completely false. This is not an either or situtuation...I think Democrats…
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  • Funny how for the second time you ignore a perfect example of framing right under your nose. Centrist use frames.…
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  • 1. Why do you act as though I said it was my well considered reaction? Well cuz we have only…
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  • I think these articles speak for themselves.
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  • Straw men: 1. my knee-jerk reaction to intellectuals that never get their hands dirty Bunk... did you read Moiv diary…
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  • the average American" or "the non-voting public" or whatever you want to call the people youa re trying to reach)…
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