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    There is one point that many that try to discredit Sanders candidacy seem to forget. There is a very real…
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  • I like Sanders but I will vote for whoever is the Democratic party candidate via a straight Democratic ticket. My…
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  • My philosophy is life has a way of throwing enough near disasters at the average human on it's own. Thus,…
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  • Yes the world has a very real concern about the GOP in America. There are two ways to handle this.…
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  • They are angry, frustrated, and feel trapped. Where the generation before for the most part worked one factory production job…
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  • Okay then Trumpism is Anti-intelligent or ultra-hate-mongering, take your pick or both.
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  • Seems the Michigan loss has really shook up Hillary and her campaign. Saying anything to appear important and in control.…
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  • I am a veteran and I get my care at the VA where I live. All that I am saying…
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  • The real interesting story behind this one that few seem to remember. Trump told his followers at rallies that they…
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  • I believe that the Cruz campaign already decided that for Rubio.
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  • I would say that the GOP and Sen. Chuck Grassley have decided to put on a read meat show for…
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  • The real question for the Democratic Party if Sanders wins a populace vote. The super-delegates had best ask themselves this.…
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  • To the GOP any form of news outlet that is not controlled by their propaganda machine is considered Liberal.  
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  • I am in support of Sanders and anyone that tries that technique with me should listen up. I will support…
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  • Hey what is all the complaining about I am sure hidden in the Bill. There will be a hidden tax…
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  • If the GOP establishment rejects Trump they are risking their already angry base members that voted for Trump not voting.…
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  • I predict several races will be reported with numerous vote switching by voting machines. These machines are very easy to…
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  • I agree that currently it is all about the GOP messaging. In the future though the GOP establishment is going…
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  • Yes think of all those companies that invested monies to Scalia. You know a few $100,000 here, free trips there.…
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  • Hey you know Trump loses we shall see what happens. It just might bring about yet another time Americans have…
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