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    The GOP will shutdown the Government, why you may ask for they have nothing else they can do to try…
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  • No but it would appear that it helps to be a MORON if you are a member of the current…
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  • The numerous actions and comments that the GOP members and their current Political Representatives have said and done. It is…
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  • This country would be far better off if we made citizens of all of the illegal immigrants. Then we deported…
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  • The problem will continue as long as the GOP is allowed to willfully do all it can to ignore the…
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  • The GOP will keep doing all they can to destroy the Federal Government until they are treated as what they…
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  • The GOP is like the Leopard they cannot change their spots.Some of them try to hide it for awhile but…
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  • The best way to end this growing problem in the USA. Is to declare The GOP and all members of…
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  • 1. is the funniest. All of their supported policies are jokes so they are all funny. 2. is the smartest.…
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  • Hey Booman I think you are giving Walker to much credit. He just flip/flopped for it is in his nature.
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  • Christie and the GOP like the idea so much then we should accommodate them. There should be a test of…
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  • Millennials had best wake up and start getting very actively involved for what is at risk is their future. They…
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  • The article is actually a major complement to Sen Bernie Sanders. Yes it is nothing but standard GOP propaganda. The…
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  • Want a little change in topic you all should go and check out the numerous wildfires that are burning in…
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  • Bill Kristol has a problem. He keeps going off of his much needed mental medication and goes into repeated fits…
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  • I enjoy watching people claim that one party or the other is the underdog. The truth is ALL elections are…
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  • The decision in VP Biden's and his alone. He has suffered a lot emotionally these last few months. I hope…
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  • Yes Booman and more and more Americans are feeling the same way as you. If this keeps up their could…
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  • Yes the Fox propaganda channel is pushing the GOP rich mans propaganda programming to the hilt tonight. All of the…
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  • If American voters in the GOP were intelligent. They would tell Jeb "Tough Luck" at the polls and not vote…
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