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    I would like to know why we are still pumping tons of money into an airplane that has so many…
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  • Well let us see, hhmmm it could turn out with the best possible future for America. That would be all…
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  • Actually I heard those that escaped were so tough they use the sharks like surf boards and rode them to…
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  • The problem is this type of demonstration of hate spreads and emboldens others. Here in Washington State a mayor of…
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  • No surprise by the comments for the GOP are bought and paid for supporters of Israel. Israel has already come…
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  • The GOP message is clear the poor are to be treated as what they are lowly animals to the GOP…
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  • "Sunni Arab world is a complete basketcase right now" Very true and the Neo-Cons want it to stay this way…
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  • Ah but the great country of Israel has already put out a large dog whistle to attract the attention of…
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  • The GOP party has done more harm to this country then any Terrorist have. They do not deserve another chance…
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  • Bernie is talking about what most of the American people want to know about. It is called the ISSUES folks.…
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  • The hidden point here is if the Federal Government does not SOON act against those that are trying to destroy…
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  • Well I would hope that some things would be very simple to understand what is good for the country. Infrastructure…
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  • The real problem here is that the politicians that have made the decisions in the past, did so knowing for…
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  • Until the American voters stop voting for the GOP and kick all of them out of office nothing will change.…
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  • Just for the heck of it I read a post that dealt with comments on FOX (Propaganda)News site. Guess what…
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  • But you all have to understand that for all of the GOP members believing in self serving delusional qualities of…
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  • No surprise here after all they are ALL part of the justice system. Just shows how dysfunctional the whole system…
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  • The most patriotic action the members of the GOP could do is ALL resign from any political office held and…
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  • All of this type of crap would stop if there was a required acceptable book list for any and all…
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  • Dick is a GOP Dick nothing more or less. He is what the real GOP is personified.
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