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    I agree with you totally, at the same time I can understand where other supporters of Sen Sanders feel differently.…
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  • Yes I did. It is a well know GOP Religious order delusional believe. They also believe that only they are…
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  • I find it very interesting that the GOP members state they will be Party members first and Catholics second. Making…
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  • I pump my own gas and use the time to check the oil,and all fluid levels under the hood. That…
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  • None of this would be happening if the USA had the balls to hold accountable our own for War Crimes…
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  • You would have to come to the realization that you can not serve two masters. You would have to choose…
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  • I wonder how much he is being paid by the GOP to run?He does not appear to be the civic…
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  • What he says is bad enough but the real brain burner is just think of all of those that voted…
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  • I agree she was wonderful in Star Trek and will be missed.
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  • Another proper response would be, Sir your family has caused enough damage and carnage to both the United States and…
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  • Carson is out of his field and clearly shows that one can excel in one field and be totally lost…
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  • Years ago the Police were known for the moto "To Protect and serve". The problem is that police forces are…
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  • All Republicans love to run for President. The problem is they just do not understand what they need to do…
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  • Covered under the,"Stupid is as Stupid does" GOP clause. See they NEVER seem to learn.
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  • The only problem was that the shoe missed!
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  • Must be a very,very, very,ssslllooowwwww political news day.
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  • Any and ALL RW comments on any article. DOes not take long to see the RW paid for comments.
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  • Some people that have money and get bored so they try to entertain themselves by buying things. While other people…
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  • Yes when you feel like the whole world is standing on your shoulders.Your child can make things feel oh so…
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  • "Anyone who believes anything he says is a gullible fool." With that one line you just described the TPGOP base.…
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