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    AH come on, the TP/GOP will just have their Supreme Court give Florida to them like they did before.
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  • Well see the question about the papers was not asked right. What should of been asked was which are the…
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  • Harry did the best he could with the Congress that the voters or should I say those that chose not…
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  • Rand Paul is not a Hawk. He has shown what he is to all yet again. He is a CHICKEN!!…
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  • The best option for the USA is close ALL Bases in the Middle East, pull out all personnel and equipment.…
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  • This will remain a problem in the USA until those that push blatant BS are held accountable for what they…
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  • sorry keep was to be (Key) long day!
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  • The problem is that to end this type of injustice you would have to get politicians. To for a start…
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  • I feel a Cruz/Paul ticket would help out Democratic Party , so I am all for this ticket. What about…
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  • It would be nice to see the whole ALEC influence on Politics die.  
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  • Seems like a real nonevent to me. The Hill must of needed a small filler story for low information voters.
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  • I would argue that there are already "Terror Babies" in the USA. We are seeing the adult versions of them…
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  • All 47 of the TP/GOP letter signers to Iran should resign and head to Israel immediately.
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  • All the signatures on this one should be listed everywhere.
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  • This would a;; stop if LYING were made illegal in the USA. When you have numerous RW talk shows and…
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  • If Hillary is the Democratic choice I am all in. My main reason for voting for her is the Supreme…
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  • America could learn from Israel by having election day a holiday! The TP/GOP hate that idea I am sure for…
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  • Yes if GWB had only read that memo. The problem is that the memo was not put into comic book…
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  • This is the change in the majority of the TP/GOP party. They have morphed into full fledged angry people that…
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  • So far ALL of the TP/GOP that I have communicated with are ignorant of how the Federal Government works. They…
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