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    Like all TPGOP members ALL of their Presidential Candidates will say anything they feel they need to, to get elected.…
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  • Sorry for the misspelling ISRAEL
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  • All of the TPGOP always seem to want war all the time. They are bought and paid for by the…
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  • Look all this is, is an attempt by a RW wacko to try and get the Liberals all upset so…
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  • This is just an act of defiance by these people. The interesting thing is that it has been brought out…
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  • Satellite images of the position of those cars are being monitored by the military. Drone pilots are making sure that…
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  • I feel you are doing just fine for the current temperament in the USA. Times are frustrating for those that…
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  • The TPGOP members refuse to admit that they have changed. They are far more intolerant of people with different opinions.…
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  • 1. No way they are all crazy or act it to get their base to vote for them. 2.I voted…
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  • You know this is one time that I have to bring out the point clearly. President Obama would not be…
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  • CNN articles are worth a look if you like information about Alice in Wonderland or some other alternate universe.
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  • The TPGOP also love to dismiss those that disagree with them. They do so while trying to put on a…
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  • THis also brings out clearly that no Democratic Party member should support the Corker bill. Nor should they support Senator…
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  • Just another example of why the USA should pull out of the Middle East and cut all aide and arms…
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  • Voter turnout was much better in Ferguson. This though points out the need for mandatory voter registration and voting. Also…
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  • I agree with cramming this down Southerners throats is harsh and over the top. But I listened to these people…
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  • No thanks she does not meet the qualifications to write on any topic that requires true journalistic abilities. This is…
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  • Look Paul will say whatever he needs to say to better his chances at getting elected. He is brown nosing…
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  • Yes folks even here in the great Evergreen state the TP/GOP are all mentally challenged to say the least. The…
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  • There are plenty of other states out there that are suppressing people in numerous ways. It is all in the…
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