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    Even though your brother has passed away he will never really be gone as long as you listen to songs,…
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  • Bob Dole would be the perfect Poster Politician to be on any and ALL GOP documentation or ads! He shows…
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  • It is too bad that REAGAN did not have this happen to him sooner like in his first term of…
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  • What needs to be done is the USA needs to break off all support for Israel.They want to be a…
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  • It would be interesting to check the background of these officers.I have a theory that a lot of these people…
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  • The GOP years back abandoned holding any of their members as credible or accountable for anything they say or do.…
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  • If one claims to be a Democratic party member and declares so just because they vote for them, that also…
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  • We voted here over two weeks ago the wife and I filled them out and dropped them in the big…
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  • All of the numerous people in the world that the GOP has harmed or caused their deaths deserve to see…
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  • I feel that this one has started way to early.I would like to see that a law be passed that…
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  • If it his SS and SSDI then it is a no go. The Democratic party members voting for it will…
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  • I am all for it. I just hope that Sanders campaign can wake up the sleeping majority of voters in…
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  • I am sorry for you and your family at this time of great loss.
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  • For the GOP it would be trying to explain why the FBI should not be investigating them as Domestic Terrorists…
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  • Here in the state of Washington we are trying to pass legislation that holds gun owners responsible for how their…
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  • I would say that both of the Bush brothers are idiots in their own very different ways.
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  • The information is very interesting but just how does it explain away the fact that Bernie seems to of amassed…
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  • You know I stand by what my father a military man of 27 years and POW during WW2. America needs…
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  • Poor Rush is sitting in pools of sweat trying anything to get some media attention. He is watching his ratings…
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  • Another GOP Drone will be chosen for The Speaker position.The same thing goes for whom ever the GOP base chooses…
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