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    Trump is a business man all he cares about is the win. He will send to Congress expecting them to…
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  • The Joint Chiefs of Staff get together and decide which one will run a Military Dictatorship. See they are getting…
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  • If you have noticed this about Trump. You can be assured that there are those in the world who recognize…
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  • Doing various things in the house and helping the kids. Highlight will be reading any posts of Booman.
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  • Interesting thread here, thank you all for your numerous various opinions. I would like to bring to all of you…
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  • Pope Francis will win and Trump will get his rewards but not in Heaven but where he has been working…
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  • I just come back with ah yes Scalia. I hope that he may be in heaven for 30 minutes before…
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  • "It's really inspiring to see all these young adults really getting into politics and behind the Sanders campaign" I agree,…
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  • It is amazing how some love to judge a book by it's cover so to speak. The one thing that…
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  • The GOP is a dead issue as far as the young voters are concerned. This also goes for the current…
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  • When you look at these so called candidates of the GOP. You can almost feel sorry for the GOP. They…
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  • Just yet another in numerous reasons to vote for Bernie Sanders!
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  • The Bundy boys did this after they were allowed to stand off the police at their ranch. Notice that even…
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  • Trump a political God to himself and his easily persuaded followers or should I say worshipers. I predict that they…
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  • "We've been told often that the Republicans are providing us with a historically strong list of candidates, but this field…
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  • Trump has not got a chance for the leaders of the party of Nixon knows how to make things go…
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  • If we do a better job of creating economic security for folks, do you think they'll be a little less…
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  • Here in Washington state we vote by mail or put it in a big drop off box after voting. Since…
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  • Whether or not Bernie Sanders wins any of the states is a good question and who knows. By the way…
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  • Ah Ted Cruz I would call him the great separator.Ted has the uncanny ability to separate himself from others ALL…
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