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      exactly as it's been for me the last couple of years. I maintained that daily whaaaa...?? as each sunrise…
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  •   Yeah, you know, we really can't make this stuff up. I always wondered what would happen as the coverup…
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  • We are against quotas. I should have ended the line with </whining&gt </lament&gt </disgusted/tonal/inflection&gt
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  •   What would be your opinion on the issue of FISA warrants being requested based on inaccurate or misleading information?…
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  •   Quotas, quotas, quotas. ...BushCo-Dedicated to putting the whack back in Whackenhut.
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  •   Of course I'm jealous. Look at the type of headline we get down here... Bill Would Allow Arrests For…
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  • dang, Canada gets all the good laws. That's not fair. I guess we'll have to continue leading by example in…
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  •   Any idea how we can insure that this powerful technology is used in the right manner and not exploited…
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  •   I agree with what you've said but my questions pertain to the principle of innocent until proven guilty is…
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  • ... patterned after the Mafia   'Intertwined with' in some cases.
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  • I don't even think we're anywhere near the bottom of all this. What else don't we know?   The first…
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  •   The most troubling aspect is to consider the majority of Democrats, Progressives and other nonconservatives who have enabled this…
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  •   Thanks for writing and sharing those thoughts.   The double standard guilt trip from Bloomberg is adding insult to…
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  •   What's your view on information obtained fraudulently and then presented to build a case for a FISA warrant?  …
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  • hey, thanks for that.   The regret goes deeper down and to the place where relative innocence is found at…
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  •   I've seen those EOs and of course I don't agree with their power, use or even existence, they do…
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  • Additionally, it could be released at a time that's strategic to pressure others involved in the investigation. It would be…
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  •   If it's used as testimony or evidence in a grand jury proceeding then it would be under those nondisclosure…
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  •   It could very well be that the improper use of FISA came to light for Fitzgerald during the course…
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  • Kamal Derwish didn't think so.
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