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    The cost-of-living increase for members of Congress -- which will put pay for the rank and file at an estimated…
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  •   Because Democrats and Republicans are on one side and they don't want to jeapordize the interests that support them.…
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  • Excellent comment.   I think it proves once again that all we're doing here is recreational discussion. It's too late…
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  •   There's next to nothing in the way of credible evidence that proves Islamic jihadists planned and carried out the…
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  •   The people gave the government virtually unchecked power because 9/11 changed everything.
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  •   Thanks for the comment and good words. I put that delete disclaimer in to help show that I understand…
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  • I'm going to post a comment and offer the free choice to site management to delete it if it's deemed…
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  • I have to disagree. Of course I can't speak for her but I think her work would shatter the myth…
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  •   The ACLU has been trying to get reports from the FBI that way for a while without much success.…
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  •   Who exactly are the real terrorists in your opinion? I've been trying to find this out from people ever…
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  • Kristen should be in office somewhere. She is exactly the type of person we need in office. She has consistently…
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  • That's just the beginning. They then proceed to freeze and sieze assets of an organizations without proof but simply based…
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  • I always liked My llama - yo mama
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  • Excellent Diary. However, I don't think it's ever been proven that the 9/11 tragedy was carried out by radical Islamic…
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  •   It appears the entire Bush GWoT is based on legally or illegally prosecuting individuals involved in charity work and…
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  •   Don't forget the NSA memo that concerned wiretapping UN members to gain information to influence the Iraq Resolution votes.…
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  •   I agree and I was going to make that comment but I thought what if it's not snark? ...naw,…
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  •   I have to disagree with the assessment of the influence of the Carlyle Group throughout the past 2 terms.…
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  •   I agree with most of that but I think we see a 6-8 month delay in what happens behind…
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  • Great comment.   Do you think GWB will crack and shatter if he loses his supporting cast or do you…
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