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    Thanks JB and I'd appreciate any links you can send my way. Thanks to Mr Knoxville as well. I haven't…
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  • No problem. I don't think we had worked our way up to that point yet. We've all been tossing around…
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  •   If it does exist, that would be the way to describe it. An influence present that may or may…
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  •   I probably should have had a warning before that one. I think there is more to this world and…
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  •   It was my comment that was wrong if any were. It's always been my understanding of that symbol to…
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  •   I think I might be trying to establish some measure of considering good and evil, both in varying degrees…
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  •   Right, I understand that concept. I was saying that the concept of compassion can't really be considered unless the…
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  •   I can understand this and see how it answers some questions. Even without absolutes of good and evil, I…
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  •  I'm right with you on the brain wiring and neural pathways. I have several unique(abnormal) patterns of wiring in mine…
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  • A few quick examples here but there are better sources around here. The patents have been acquired and played into…
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  • It could very well be that. I've considered as many possibilities as I can and I'm still looking for more.…
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  •   I'm speechless and although I'm still new, many will know that's a feat. Incredible photos, thanks.
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  •   I'm a home construction/renovation contractor and many of my skills are repetitive, time consuming...lots of time to think while…
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  •   I'd like to learn more about Buddhism if you ever have time to explain and guide me to good…
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  •   It's a damaging habit he has and the scary part is it appears he believes it.
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  •   It's just such an apt adjective it's irresistable. I think I'm getting a good understanding of your process. I…
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  •   Good idea. I'll do that a little later on today.  Thanks.
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  •   Thanks for that. It gave me more to mull. It could all end in a quick flash.
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  •   That symbol is excellent, thanks.
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  • Thanks for sharing that explanation. I especially agree with the harm done by judgement. I noticed that you avoid analysis…
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