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      That's part of the deep regret of the entire situation. He and his wife were returning from a missionary…
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  •   I also picked up that his first name is probably Raphael with 'Rafi' being a nickname. It's also an…
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  •   He seems to have a strong connection to the datamining interests because he relies so heavily on that as…
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  •   My first thought of 'arresting images' is to see Rove and co frog-marched out of the Capitol. 😉
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  •   Right, then that would explain why they're kept on a leash when taken for a walk.
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  •   True. One has to be quick to take their Visa or Mastercard away from them. Forgive me. I get…
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  •   I love the posture in that shot. I zoomed in and it looks like he's stretching out for a…
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  • Well, would Bison meat do.   It's fine with me but I bet it'll piss off the bison. ha! snort…
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  •   Was it another photo of your's I saw that had a 6 or 8 point with his head tilted…
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  •   So, I guess that means he and brinn won't be splitting up steaks, roasts, jerky and trim?   Hey,…
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  •   That's a really nice prize but he'll have a heckuva time getting that thing home.
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  •   Yeah. Those look like feet. How about, a picture shot looking downward through a glass table covered in hard…
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  •   Have any more?   Since somebody already guessed the right answer, I'll say---it's a harp, on it's side, covered…
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  • It is not about what Howard Dean's job is anymore. It has gone way beyond that.  It is our country's…
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  •   That means we're stuck with Pete & Re-pete for the duration, huh?   Y'all have any oil of any…
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  • ...laying aside my carefully prepared snark after reading DTF's comments   Some things in life are without comparison. As for…
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  •   If you really luvved us, you would take Bush and Cheney through rendition for us.   Great finds you…
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  •  When flights are refused entry to US and forced to divert on a mistaken identity watchlist name, how was this…
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  •   You're right. Success in this country is based on violence, mental or physical, and ruthlessness.   This society has…
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  •   Am I really that easy? yeah, I think you're right.
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