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    Hey, thanks for the tip on pixel size and limitations. I was wondering about that. IndyLib- I use Photobucket too…
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  • ...smacks forehead in enlightenment.. of course!
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  • Must venture out to a meeting now.   You serving on the Streets and Parking Commission again? Nice sign, by…
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  •   Well, they wouldn't exactly have to be extra large if I get two of them. hey, feel faint? That…
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  •   Thank you. The freebie washcloths are much appreciated. Could I have 2 of them, please?
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  •   That's a great idea but I'll have to get a tattoo or two first. Anybody have any suggestions?
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  •   Yes, thanks. I was thinking the same thing. I'm a bit dyposed to the lecherdness myself but it's all…
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  •   In trying to remember back that far, I was 18 in 1977 and a hot girl was definitely cool…
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  •   Now, that's what's called customer service. It's always fun to guess how many pieces will be left over on…
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  • Not to be confused with the ever deceptive phrase, extra money
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  • Ouch.   I was trying to do a mental conversion from Celsius until I realized it would be between 32…
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  •  I think thos are very wise and accurate thoughts you expressed. I'm still trying to look out for toes to…
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  • Great photo and thanks for sharing. It gives me a feeling of putting life in perspective. I enjoy the white…
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  •   I'll get some padding for the fence rails. Great color in the pic. Nature's beauty at work.
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  •   The hot soaking would be welcome any time. There's one bad result in particular by prolonged fence-sitting... ..splinters are…
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  •   I think your snow is headed our way for tonight and tomorrow. I heard 4-8 inches mentioned by the…
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  • Steamy soaks and stimulating conversation. That's always a great combination. Neat photos you have there, too.
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  • Good morning.   It's still cold outside and snow is on the way.
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  • Beautiful photos. I can't resist the urge to ask how you find thyme for all of this.
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  • Leading the new attack was a new voice: articulate, uncompromising, and enraged....from the link. Thanks for pointing me in the…
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