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      Just to avoid any confusion and trouble. I'm only a coup-stager or clique-picker in jest and good fun. I…
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  •   I'm shy, should I cover my eyes when I read it? I'm not sure I want to see. When…
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  •   Please tell me there weren't also pics of well endowed cliques, too. I don't have a small brain even…
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  •   Warmth, radiance and laughter. Isn't this more what life should hold for all of us? ...oh yeah, coups, too.…
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  •   As still a relative newcomer here, should I assume the picture referred to was not the type that are…
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  • Woohoo!   It looks like we have a doubleheader scheduled.
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  • ....now, that's hot.   That's just what I need to thaw my frozen bones. It's been in the low twenties…
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  • ...all three will be allowed to sell both optical ballot scanning and electronic recording machines to county election boards, which…
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  • <wailing> Oh, the humanity! </wailing&gt   I'll bet it got the pet goat book, too.
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  •   They're probably waiting for the momentum to swing their way. The electronic voting machine system exploits aren't partisan. They…
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  •  He has many connections that will be embarrasing for the Bush admin to have to answer to. Below is just…
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  • Abramoff sponsored sniper schools to be used for that result. There are emails asking to run the sniper workshops again…
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  • That was tied in also with questionable deals with a Chinese company and their NASA contracts. I believe it may…
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  • Maybe this is the CFP's attempt to get through to some people who haven't been paying attention or aren't sufficiently…
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  • Just going by memory, wasn't Clint Curtis the whistleblower in Florida that was approached to write software to steal an…
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  • In addition to your comment, I found a good news piece that relates to the GAO findings. Article created by…
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  •   What happened to the coups? I was following kansas to overthrow the clique and got distracted lurking in on…
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  • Thanks. I hadn't seen that development. It could turn out that the election board is in violation of the law…
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  •   Isn't interesting to see the predictable reactions from the pro-war, advancing democracy and free speech worldwide group that wants…
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  •  ...and our check IS actually in the mail. It's not easy being us but someone has to do it.
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