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      Thanks for the telling of your friend's attitude toward the application question of race. I'm white and have done…
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  •   Here's another link for background on the associations and deals of Tim 'coincidence' Spicer. Sorry if you already listed…
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  •   This is another example of the need to address a problem of our own creation. We had the best…
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  • Thanks Artucus, sbj and DTF for the extra insight into the situations down south. It's over my head but that's…
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  •   Hey,...this wouldn't happen to be a Gulfstream G5, tail number-N379P, would it? If so, you got some 'splainin' to…
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  •   I'm going with the 10 as well. Here's a 6 to go with the 4.   The politicans and…
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  •   Yeah, that's about what I have for an understanding of it. Of course, there are plenty of other ulterior…
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  •   The shaking subsides after 24-48 hours but the worst part of withdrawl is that damned isolation. No drug can…
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  •   Are the neocons especially afraid of literate, educated, healthy poor folk? My thoughts are yes, yes they are but…
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  •   I'd appreciate the opinions of those more knowledgeable on the subject concerning this article I found. Is this fairly…
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  •   The day he sends his own will be the day he might understand. Yup,...never understand, always the loser.
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  •   ...and even more insulting as to the inferior quality of the original shit they expect us to believe.  …
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  •   I've always had a fond appreciation for the term perception management   I say they're having a bit of…
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  •   I remember this following incident when it supposedly happened. I thought it was a bad sign back then. It's…
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  •   Rummy's karma will surely kick his ass but the irony might drown him. Good catch.
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  •   The resources do us little good if we don't own them. That's the danger that's also faced in the…
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  •   Do the majority of these new fortunes involve the sale of technology patents and other rights? Any idea of…
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  •    Diebold is having a meltdown in North Carolina now too. EFF's hard work has paid off and a judge…
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  •   I've been complaining about some of this for a long time. When Ashcroft was Attorney General, he directed a…
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  • Excellent, but we're still only scratching the surface. This goes much deeper. There's a good reason why guys like Conrad…
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