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    No argument on that point. There were seperate projects he was working on in the book and the paper?
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  •   The price is a lucrative career or retirement package from the global group that controls all of it.
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  • I agree with most of that especially not keeping the editor aware of the involvement. I think Woodward's actions have…
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  •   Imagine the magnitude of importance in the issue that is still unseen for at least two career journalists to…
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  •   All I meant was that they should have come up with a more believable name. I think it's a…
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  • Let me ask a question regardless if it applies here specifically. If Woodward was interviewing for a book and had…
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  • The self censoring is working to their advantage too. I enjoy all of your posts and most of most others…
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  •   Thanks for that and I'm sorry for your dilemma. It did allow my life take on a new meaning…
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  • I think this all says that there is much more to this that Fitz is pursuing and it was worth…
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  • That wasn't intended for you. I believe you're well aware of the distinction. I write my comments to also apply…
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  • grrrr @ no-edit From Reporter to Courtier The Long, Long Fall of Bob Woodward
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  • They changed the lead story on that page. Here's the new link for anyone that might be looking for it.…
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  •   This has nothing to do with the Jewish religion or people of that faith in general. It's the zealots…
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  •   It would help if you let us know where you're off to next time.   If you ever need…
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  • Forgot the attribution for above From Reporter to Courtier The Long, Long Fall of Bob Woodward
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  • Here is an excerpt that I think speaks volumes. Woodward's deposition had been occasioned by a call to Fitzgerald from…
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  •   Are we allowed to discuss the influence of Israel on our foreign policy and intelligence services?
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  •   Good catch. My cynical mind also sees the advantage to having had control of those systems in the private-government-then…
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  •   I remember reports saying that we did have informants of some sort. At least that's the rationale given early…
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  •   I'm still self-censoring in trying to find what the levels of acceptability are. I have to admit that little…
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