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      I'll start looking around for something to patent so they'll give us more money and try to buy us…
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  • Is this the circular justification he uses so well? The justification for not bombing Syria is due in part to…
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  • No, I didn't think it was intended to deride the organization or the one who posted the link. It was…
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  • One of the most dangerous problems we face for the future is the concentration of ownership of patents. One of…
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  •  I've tried to express this a few times but didn't do as well. There's no sense in trying to have…
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  •  I think it has more to do with business than politics if the comments were made by people with Wikipedia's…
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  • I thought it was sarcasm,...no?
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  • Thanks for the recommendations for those who did. I still can't get the hang of voting. I've lost more of…
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  •   I agree it's important to keep an open mind all the way through. I have more faith in Comey…
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  • Each decision that resulted in failure of any degree was another level of success for them. I still think it's…
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  • It's already happening but it's not just GWB, it's global Maher Arar: Timeline In an interview Wednesday with Amy Goodman…
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  • Another look at some of the curious ties and activities that are the result of our tax dollars at work.…
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  •   I agree with that but with the exception that America is also used as a front by a variety…
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  • We're stuck between an offensive defense and one that's  just plain offensive.
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  • Imagine the conspiracy if a networked group achieved control through office and abused their position to control nearly all future…
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  • The basic network of that included Albaugh, Hughes and others going way back but also forward into opportunistic profits in…
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  •   It breaks my spirit to know that any exit strategy has to consider and incorporate some of the original…
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  • Great diary. There is hope for a better outcome but what bothers me is the impression that we are gaining…
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  • That's a great site. Thanks for the link.   Imagine the outrage and frustration to believe there are far more…
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  • Yeah, I'm going to do that unless someone beats me to it. I had forgotten about those lost lives recently…
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