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    I remember what a controlled environment they created for that 'operation'. They closed hospitals, media outlets and other entities that…
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  •   I posted a link the other day about a piece of legislature offered that the administration wanted to reclassify…
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  •   It's probably wiser to hold back somewhat so as not to alienate or overwhelm those who are still open…
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  •   Zell Miller will come rushing in challenging all comers to pistols at 10 paces.   Great diary.
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  • It had a special moment when the Vice President told an esteemed colleague on the floor of the Senate to…
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  •   I hope,(and I think) that this was a sincere effort on the part of Paul Hackett. He's been fun…
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  • To sum up RI in a word.. Purefuckingenius
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  •   I honestly think he said it at some time in all of this. His personality glows with 'I'm above…
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  • Spectres, spirits, spooks and boo's.   I thoroughly enjoy your rants but you might consider really letting loose on what…
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  • If the question is for me I'd suggest more of the same of what we're doing but in a more…
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  • I found this A lawyer in the case said Woodward's source had not previously testified before a grand jury. Fitzgerald…
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  •  I haven't gathered all of the links yet but he was later named to the Pres' panel on tax reform…
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  •   I think it's reasonable that a dedicated staffer would take the fall for the president on guarantee of a…
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  • That's the dirty secret the MSM and politicians are scared to death we'll discover.
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  • A brilliant diary but that could be only because I agree with you. There's  more for consideration at this link…
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  •   Don't all of these same characters share involvement in the past? I've seen some references to Woodward and Pincus…
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  • I lost count.     Bush: Beyond Reason By Robert Parry October 19, 2004 Journalist Ron Suskind relates a chilling conversation…
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  •   I think it's obvious to people who follow politics that both parties answer to the corporations. The partisan divisions…
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  •  I never said we should protect anyone. I said prepare to defend. I'm not so sure he's as guilty as…
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  •   I think he was right and way ahead of his time on much of it. That was a powerful…
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