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    Is this what's meant by a guilty pleasure? Tucker could be more credible if he wouldn't take an argument to…
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  • What we need to do is turn the tables on him and others that are like him. He was whining…
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  • Do you have any idea about what time? I'd like to be ready, just in case.
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  • Unless the party in power steps up to assume their responsibility for impeachment, the efforts by the rest of us…
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  • It came right up for me. I'm a Firefoxer but I don't know if that makes any difference. It's a…
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  • Nope, you're hardly a fool. It's the compassionate heart that wanted to give a hack a hundredth second chance. No…
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  • Ouch,....you were replaced with Tucker. That's worthy of some serious retribution. He hardly qualifies as an intelligent balance to Bozo-ell.…
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  • This part especially pisses me off about the 'mistakes' made. The military did a good job of selling the psychological…
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  •   I've been so ready for this house of cards to tumble. Help yourself to the popcorn. I converted an…
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  •   Scanlon and Safavian rolling over on (your list plus) Rove, Norquist and the rest of original College Rethuglicans is…
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  •  I mentioned this here several days ago and it spurred a comment about protecting Reid and other Democrats. I think…
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  • This is the same Blackwater company that hit the streets first in New Orleans. They were operating under contract with…
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  •   It's the only explanation that makes sense. The series of profound mistakes that were made can only be seen…
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  •   Maybe they're being repossessed for nonpayment. How is Baltimore's solvency these days?   Another possibility would be a branch…
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  •   Did anybody in the Bush administration ever explain the cars used in bombings in Iraq that traced back to…
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  •   I haven't been here very long but I would swear to it. I've seen plenty of difference of opinion…
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  •  It's impossible to find many ways that these guys didn't use their private-public network for personal gain  The key to…
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  • Happy Thanksgiving to all   I've been renovating a bathroom for my sister over the past few days....took it down…
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  • I am so tired of fighting. I am tired of watching the insanity, feeling it seep deep into my soul,…
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  •   What the hell ever happened to the lines we don't cross to compromise integrity in our actions?   Thanks…
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