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      From what I've seen discussed, I agree that it is. Liberals and Conservatives have that basic difference in what…
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  •   I was thinking that going over the top in this case is the representation of the lost military people…
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  •   This is the effect that's needed to get people's attention. Nice, polite discussion is productive when it's not ignored…
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  •   One day at a time is all we can do, right? ...and keep coming back, ...oh, wait, that won't…
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  • Thanks Madman, Wingnuts (none / 0) Are they not dwindling in number if not in stupidity and ferocity?   Yeah,…
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  •   I can't believe we haven't heard about this yet on any of the pro-Conservative media outlets. It sounds like…
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  •   It's like the agencies alumni organization. One thing I noticed in researching it last night is that Triple-C is…
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  • Here's another article from 2004 that shows the type of battles these PSCs are getting themselves into. It appears that…
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  •   In many cases it's already too late. These same 'equity groups' and private contractors own the technology patents that…
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  • Here's the possible inside track to the VA leaseholder they moved to and the connection for contract bidding. I've been…
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  •   I think there will be far more to Triple Canopy than the 'eclectic collection of various interests' that describes…
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  •   Man,...he sure looks wicked evil enough.
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  •   You have too many good choices in the poll. How about the European leaders conduct bombing raids against newspaper…
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  •   Will it be held against me if I choose not to be informed of all this and rather trust…
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  •   Yeah..^...up there.. that's what I was trying to say. Thanks
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  •   I'm glad there isn't any problem. I'll say again I have no problems with anyone here regardless of differences…
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  •   I'm not aware of problems between posters here but your statement also does a disservice to people like me.…
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  •   I've always tried to treat both with the respect due and try to thank them for their participation. I…
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  •   Too many questions and too few answers, for now. I hope there's a lot of participation in this discussion.…
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  •   One thing we can count on to remain constant (besides the sticky-fixit-fatwa's humor) is the ability of people's ignorance…
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