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      I say it was due to a guilty conscience.
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  •   Best wishes for all involved. There's not much I can add that hasn't been expressed so well here already.…
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  • Me too.   He's been a great spokesman. He's also effective at slowing down the MSM myths and misinformation. Great…
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  •   Without the protection of US forces behind them, the ones responsible for many of the attacks won't be able…
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  •  It's a follow-up assignment to the effective incubators story that rose passions for GWI.
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  •   That's one way but the possibilities are shown to be unlimited. There seems to be no respect or consideration…
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  • We should all be ashamed in this country. We should be ashamed that we are so childish and easily manipulated…
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  •  Susan, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. That's an especially tough one to endure. Thoughts and prayers are something…
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  • Yeah, we were still trying negotiations with the Taliban as late as August 2001, I thnik it was. This is…
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  • Thanks again for your service, insight and experience in helping us try to understand these situations. I think that was…
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  •   I want to clarify or add to the term state sanctioned journalist to more closely describe the historian of…
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  • Thanks for that link. I haven't seen that yet but look forward to it. Your comment about the police state…
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  • CM had another good moment the other day. Biden was being interviewed for something and the subject of the troop…
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  •   I think that might also help illustrate why the press corps and media came to be so meek. Plenty…
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  •   I found this paragraph in a great article (in my opinion) and it gives me encouragement that the ones…
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  •  I think Woodward is wrong on all counts. I wouldn't defend his actions. The point I was trying to make…
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  •   The code of protecting the source is exactly why they chose this method. It's the same for having it…
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  •  For what it's worth, I think Woodward, Pincus, Miller and a bunch of others in the MSM are just as…
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  •   You gots to call 'em like you sees 'em. It kills me when people try to say what a…
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  •   In Libby's case, Fitz rattled off several blatant lies of Libby that contradicted incidents that happened just the week…
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