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    Goodnight Andi and thank you. By the way, the revolution should be televised with vodka flowing liberally.
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  •  Thank you for hosting us. It was a very nice time. I see that from any side of the fence…
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  •   My serious fence sitting is a result of being able to see so many factors and possibilities in a…
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  •   It sounds like you are doing the best thing you can in being a loving supporting friend for them.
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  •   The scary part is that's how my normal thought process works. The first doesn't make sense until later but…
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  • hmmm,....probably.
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  • ha!...I used to hate getting the 'definite maybe' answer when I was a kid. I'd ask and ask until I…
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  •   Absolutely endearing at first but when the college started cutting his grade for being late all the time, I…
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  • ..this trivially significant honor. I seem to have reversed the order of posts in the reply but I'm thinking it…
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  • Thank you for...
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  • Yup. See? It just did it again! Don't tell me I'm crazy, I saw it with my own eyes. I…
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  • That one is great some alternates to consider, or not.   Leadership through indifference and apathy as none really care…
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  •   yay! I've been validated. Thank you, although violated almost came out when I typed it. 😉
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  •   Welcome back. I've been here off and on the entire time and I have no idea what happened. I…
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  • Hiya Katie,   Let's see if it works here on your's. I gave you a 3.75 so it would stand…
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  •   Is that what's happening as in a hip greeting or as in what in the hell is happening here?
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  •   The main profiters of perpetual war do not sacrifice their own. They don't care what countries the conflicts are…
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  •   I'm still not sure if mine works or if I'm using it properly. I keep on keeping on anyway.…
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  • What? I don't understand this at all.
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  •   Exactly and it's a fine way to be. Can you tell me if h-o-o-h-a-h is the correct spelling for…
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