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    Thanks, Oui. I give up. Which one is real and which one is fictional? Either way, I always thought Gannon…
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  •  There has been so much to remember in all of these names and connections that indexed diagrams are really the…
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  •   I can't find the right adjectives to describe how important this is. 'Incredible development' is just a start. I'm…
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  •   That must be some of the fuzzy math Bushie refers to.   Great pic.
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  •   I'm guessing the illustrated Good bush - Bad Bush T-shirt I have would be banned there too.
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  •   Well, as long as it's called friendly fire, it should be fine, right? I've always wondered if that term…
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  •   Gotta love the subliminal work of these folks. Rex at the right hand? Zero tolerance of civil disobedience? MINDFULLY,…
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  •   Ya know, it doesn't make sense for Bushie to make  severe cuts in programs that help mental health. I…
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  •   I refuse to take political commentary seriously until my elected officials do too. :D...never any problem from me in…
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  •   I was just beginning to calm down a little about Alito.
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  • Wooo-hoooo!   Does the impeachment come on right after this? Do I have time to make popcorn?
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  • opens the door and sees a room full of smart people... oops, wrong room. I was looking for the theater…
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  • Hey, thanks. It's my way of saying we're on the same side even when I disagree. If we really care,…
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  •   His first unlawful order was to demand the arrest of Cindy Sheehan before the speech was underway. ...only to…
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  •   When I do that, 'they' call it rapid-cycling and whisper in closed circles.   Back to the teevee, yup.
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  •   😀   The first draft had one twin killing the other to take her place by deception in the…
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  • There once was a young man that was desperately in love with twin sisters. He knew in his heart that…
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  •   I said essentially the same thing in a few comments recently. The main reason the two parties are so…
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  •   I'm fortunate in that I don't seek to understand the parable. It clarifies the message that way.   The…
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  •   Not to mention the rampant fraud in defense contracting that has to be paid for. These kids don't realize…
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