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      Check this article out when you have a chance For Next Attorney General, Don't Look to Deputy
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  • Here's another situation from December 2003 Bush Grabs New Power for FBIWhile the nation was distracted last month by images…
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  •   Maybe you're right and third party is the way to go for the future.
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  • A little description of Ashcroft at that time from D Corn full article linked here The Fundamental John Ashcroft  Chosen…
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  •   The questions you ask are the same ones I've been struggling with. Several sources in the news confirm the…
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  •   That was a perfect explanation, in my opinion. Thanks for writing and sharing that.
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  • The road kill argument might come down to a matter of integrity. It could be that some think it's only…
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  •   Just to add, if Comey had stayed, he would have been drug back into this from the normal business…
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  •   There were several confrontations that I wasn't sure who was more credible to believe but that article helped convince…
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  •   I think he was stuck between a rock and a hard place in having knowledge in all matters and…
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  •   When I saw that article on Comey early this morning it gave me renewed faith and answered many questions.…
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  •   How can I tell the difference between the two? Can you suggest some that are taking a critical look…
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  •   How about    Sovereign Immunity
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  •   Now you're getting to the tragedy that's been allowed. While some arguing rule of law and legal, admissable evidence,…
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  •   I'm speaking to all levels of officials, voters and advocates. I assumed that most people here were advocates of…
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  •   If there is justification to investigate the leak then charges should be brought against GWB for his knowledge of…
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  •   On the MSM news the justification for deadly force was given as the threat presented by the 3" blade…
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  •   I need some reasons to vote for Democrats and to direct my energy toward gathering support for voting Democrat.
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  •   As a comparison, that diary reflects the need to obtain a confession from a DUI suspect who refused the…
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  •   Now that is something I can agree with. However, when the cause for detaining him in the first place…
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