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    Players make up phony definitions for an obscure word, then vote on which is the real definition. Uproariously fun with…
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  • Is it time to compare Bush to Hitler, then?
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  • So jealous, BooMan!
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  • Thank God, at least Austin held the line.  (Although many of the people in the long line at my precinct…
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  • Aug. 27, in Harbor Springs, Michigan, to Paul Bradley Dyck. Link here.  He apparently works in the White House, too--…
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  • Your work on explaining the background and importance of this case has been most helpful over these past few months.…
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  • That last item explaining why I chose "birth control" as our area of greatest savings! I found that Goodwill is…
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  • And Judy's beat included the WMD story. I've read much educated speculation (probably at The Washington Note and/or The Huffington…
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  • I tried this one out today, when my right-wing co-worker (whom I otherwise simply adore) said, right on cue, "Well,…
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  • I am very familiar with two of his lawyers, who are THE go-to guys for federal drug case defendants in…
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  • "There are eight million stories in the naked city. This has been one of them." Ductape, this powerful story reminds…
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  • Tee.  Vee.
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  • Sorry-- should've checked again this morning! The Khabele School is at the corner of 8th & Rio Grande-- the kids…
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  • Robert, please let me know if we can provide any assistance.  Leave message here if you do. My daughter's school…
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  • Othniel, you are doing such great work during this painful time.  Thank you for putting your faith on the line…
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  • SusanHu, I love how your normally quite civil tone has degenerated to include much more profanity-- love the "F-wad" names…
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  • (Not necessarily listed in order of occurrence) Anger Outrage Frustration Fear Grief Depression Motivation
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