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    I remember when I was in my late teens and early twenties I ws reading a lot of science fiction…
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  • Myself and several of my friends had exactly that thought about BushCo declaring a National emergency and calling off elections…
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  • I suspect that with the real estate markets teetering on the brink of a steep and rapid decline, some old-fashioned…
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  • I've read this poem before, many years ago, but I can't recall who is the author. It's almost Greek in…
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  • Yes! You are right and I agree. I haven't read Aristotle for a very long time, and the passage you…
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  • While what Lippmann describes may be the relevant pretext for urgency that propelled the quick invasion of Iraq, all the…
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  • Yes! To riff of a popular slogan;"The few, the deluded, the megalomaniacal hacks!"
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  • Screwed up with the "bold" text above.
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  • Beinart is an authoritarian liberal", and thisis why his particular doctrinaire approach  to policy both foreign and domestic do not…
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  • Arminius, I wrote a long and detailed reply to you, but somehow in the posting of it it vanished completely,…
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  • Way back in the early 1960's, as I first started to become poitically and socially and humanistically aware; (JFK had…
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  • Does anyone know if there is any legislation pending, (or any other available mechanism), to provide a way to label…
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  • From the White House press briefing. Q Can you give us a readout on the President's meeting this morning with…
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  • Not a big surprise, but the WaPo article fails to mention that of the 6 so-called "specialists" invited to the…
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  • I don't know much about dogs but I did find this alarming article about Liz Cheney and her machinations at…
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  • I just reread my post above and I think I see why you responded the way you did. Now I…
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  • Madman, I was responding to BooMan's reply to my comment above. I know you are not saying what I'm talking…
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  • I have no doubt the govt. already intercepts any email and analyzes any web traffic it wants regardless of existing…
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  • What I'm saying is that we should reject attempts to get us to to easily accept such behavior as "inevitable"…
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  • The idea about troops "snapping" under pressure is being advanced as a way of legitimizing the results of such behavior…
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