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    Here's my letter to my Senator Bill Nelson. Your irresponsible vote to extend the Bush tax cuts on capital gains…
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  • Why would anyone think a hasty poll of only 502 people done on a story that just broke in the…
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  • I have assumed since the reign of "Tyrannosaurus Nix[on]" that the government could and would spy on ayone and everyone…
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  • I believe the deadline for filing a candidacy for the GOP primary in Florida is tomorrow, so if Goss does…
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  • Now that the odious Porter Goss is returning to Florida will he stand against the idiot looney Harris in the…
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  • Chait has been making himself steadily more irrelevant for a long time now. And of course TNR has one foot…
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  • I would like to suggest that it may be that Hayden, for all the odium of his position regarding lawbreaking…
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  • Is Scowcroft still the head of the PFIAB, Pres. Foreign Intel Advisory Board)? Certainly if he is this revelation bolsters…
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  • Russert is a disgrace to journalism. If his questioning had been simply "tough", that would have been OK, but he…
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  • Porter Goss was deployed to the CIA because he has been a longtime Cheney operative, (during his tenure as head…
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  • I think it's likely General Michael Hayden,(former head of NSAand chief mechanic for the BushCo domestic spying initiative), will be…
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  • That is a very astute and important point you make. The psycho-sexual dysfunctional pathology of the extreme right is so…
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  • I think it's important to keep in mind that the neocons want more war throughout the region, despite the supposed…
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  • This looks like another Schumer, Al From, DLC, pseudo-centrist disaster in the making, as many here on these pages have…
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  • Noonan's entire personna, as well as her grandiose rhetoric, have always been amongst the most contrived in all of Wingnuttia.…
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  • I read this piece of fractured sophistry by Steele this morning before embarking on a day of medical bureauocratic nonsense.…
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  • Kristol's #1 job now is to preserve and defend the (supposed) validity of the neoconservative dogma, rather than allow that…
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  • It's amazing how venomous people get, how defensive they get, when someone as sharp as Colbert so clearly reveals that…
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  • I'd be more willing to accord some legitimacy to Schumer's/Emanuel's calculus if they displayed ay hint at all that they…
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  • I agree. My central point, perhaps poorly emphasized, was that we shouldn't expect too many people to make their voting…
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