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    I'm neither a Christian nor a practioner of any mainstream religion, but I like these 2 quotes regarding the duping…
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  • I wouldn't hold my breath for strong statements about this from any prominent congresscritters on either side of the aisle.…
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  • The DLC is determined to lose another few major elections, and I doubt we'll be able to prevent them from…
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  • As you say, when you add up all the dysfunctional, petty and destructive internecine bullshit, it's so discouraging as to…
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  • As uncharacteristic as it is for me to express a measure of support for prominent pols who eqivocate more often…
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  • There haven't been many elected Dems in modern history with the sort of stature we would admire. FDR was probably…
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  • It's a shame there are no Dems of true stature in the party anymore. If there were, then someone could…
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  • You're right. The cognitive dissonance created by constantly claiminvg success in the face of overwhewlming evidence to the contrary will…
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  • My sense is that most of the people now turning against the war in the polls don't really care about…
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  • Obama! What a tragedy! I fell for the spiel too at first. His speech at the Dem convention was truly…
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  • Since I've never been one to rely too much on "hope" to bring about the changes required in the world…
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  • That was a very good article. Thanks for the link. What I see here is in one way a pretty…
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  • Mubarak has taken a little longer than his fellow dictators to realize what everyone else in the region knows already,…
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  • It is indeed a profound testament to the delusional irrationality and dysfunctionality of the Bush regime that the old-money, Carlyle…
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  • It's the rehash of the "We have to destroy the village to save it" meme that revealed the core insanity…
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  • This insanity by the Bush regime is more dangerous than the Cuban missile incident by several orders of magnitude. In…
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  • One of the things about this new article by Sy Hersh that really scares me is that so many people…
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  • I suspect there will be a "rupture" of the neocon's power before the advent of the "rapture" the murderous evangelical…
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  • Usually when someone displays the messianic stubborness and zeal Bush does, people think he's a nut who's gone off their…
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  • The insanity of the Bush regime knows no bounds. If ever there was a time for rational forces in government…
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