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    That's a good title for the group.
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  • Krauthammer's peer group is comprised of creatures like Michael Ledeen, Daniel Pipes, David Addington, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle.…
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  • Revolution is coming and a lot sooner than people think.
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  • I think I might have gotten a "4" out of that'n once, and assumed that was a slip of the…
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  • I want to add my sentiments to all the other kudos above. This is a brilliant piece! I have some…
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  • Yes! Other Repubs are distancing themselves from her precisely because they believe her affliction might be communicable. There are no…
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  • You're right. Bush doesn't have either the cognitive dexterity or the emotional depth to experience anguish. He's too much the…
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  • When things are as bad as they are; when the corruption, the greed, the megalomaniacal insanity are so pervasive throughout…
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  • Will do. I hope this works out well and Hao Wu is released without more difficulty. It's a sad commentary…
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  • Lisa, The only thing I could think to do on this was to send the info off to Keith Olbermann's…
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  • In addition, the India Nuke deal is part of a larger long term agenda to provide the precursors for more…
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  • Whether one's listening to Albright or any of the other high level dips involved with groups like the Aspen institute…
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  • For me, the essential problem that is inevitable whenever there is an attempt to combine religion with democratic governance in…
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  • Arkin good, Steyn full of shit (as usual).
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  • Ever since the advent of Nixon I've assumed the fourth amendment has been in jeopardy. And all my studious research…
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  • Domenech is in the lowest category of creatures in the realm of opinion mongering. Peurile, adolescent, with the kind of…
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  • Liberal women enjoy sex and are pleased to acknowledge that fact. Others, (non-liberal), frequently either disavow or pretend enjoyment and…
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  • The "safety for lies" razzle dazzle is typical when tyranny is on the march trying to gain support from the…
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  • What you say about US aggressive interference in Iran is why I said in it's current form in my comment…
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  • I have no doubt there is plenty of covert activity going on in Iran against the regime, and I believe…
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