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    While I've been aware for a while that there's a guy named Hugh Hewitt who's a gasbag wingnut, I've never…
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  • I believe they're building the levees with the wrong kind of clay also, a clay that disintegrates easily when exposed…
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  • I can't think of a single instance where any religion has any validity when it is imposed upon people against…
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  • I remember when Rohrbacher's best friends were the Taliban! Link here. He's still crazy as a loon!
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  • Here are the military's plans for the administration of civilian detention faciities and labor forces. Link here. From a diary…
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  • I'd thought it wouldn't be until late summer when rummy was pushed out but now I think it's goingto happen…
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  • I hope I live long enough to see the majority of citizens in the US come to the understanding that…
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  • Zell Miller! Living proof that the "Reptile Brain" canh still beat the sense out of the "Neocortex"!
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  • It's a tragic irony that the more America "projects it's power" around the globe, the weaker and more ineffectual American…
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  • If there's anything that more clearly reveals how little the Dems have learned in recent years it's how they're going…
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  • While I recognize the Dem strategy of incremental opposition to the current situation with respect to the Bush regime's insane…
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  • For all these millionaire mannequins in the pundit class, it's just a big game to them, a game in which…
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  • Yes! The combativeness is really off-putting, to say the least. My sense from the thread  over there is that if…
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  • Dobbs is caught up in a circular, "broken record" sort of repetitive "psychotic episode" vis a vis his fears regarding…
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  • The other thing I really like about Sen is how he characterized the efficacy of a government and the society…
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  • I had a run in with the incredibly rude and often irrational DHinMI last year. I don't think the concept…
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  • Bush is no longer the benign Village Idiot who means well, who is strong, and who has resolve and courage.…
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  • I think Card is just worn out and doesn't want to be around when further ugliness happens related to all…
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  • This is a very thoughtful piece by Nobel Prize winning economist Amartya Sen about Democracy and how we perceive it.…
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  • Senate committee votes 12 -6. Link here.
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