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    I spent a fair amount of time in Argentina off and on during the Junta in the late '70s, and…
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  • Time magazine proves once again that their perspective continues to move further and further from reality and relevance.
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  • Yes! The engineering of this sort of reversed perception and the inverted sense of cause and effect that it engenders…
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  • Found the animation here at C&L.
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  • This analysis here is pretty detailed as to the likely repercussions on the ground if BushCo attacks Iran. From Pat…
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  • I agree with your broader points about anger itself having little utility unless it's transformed and directed along a particular…
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  • "Dear President Bush, Just so you know, all of those people who work with  you and who you think are…
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  • I don't know anyone on the so-called "left" who is not angry, and rightly so. Anyone with a functioning, rational…
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  • There's no doubt in my mind that Cheney was the lead instigator of the leak of Plame's name, but I…
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  • I think he cares, but I don't think he cares enough to stand up and really do anything substantive about…
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  • Powell's betrayal is in many ways even worse than the insanity of the neocons, because he had the stature, (whether…
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  • The predominant structured religions on the planet, as paractised, have precious little to do with the theology/philosophy upon which they…
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  • "What strength, what value can one's convictions hold if one fears to question them?" S.B. Jones
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  • Relating to the Nietzsche excerpt, I think it was Mencken who, in discussing similar human foibles associated with our propensity…
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  • That quote you referenced by Pilger; "The task of liberal realists," notes John Pilger, "is to ensure that western imperialism…
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  • You've hit the nail right on the head. This war was lost at the precise moment it was dreamed up…
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  • Yes! That's what I meant above when I said; "...but the lack of Dem voices truly and seriously engaged in…
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  • Rove is a villain and a devious bastard but he's never been a Neocon, despite the confluence of interest necessitated…
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  • One of the broader aspects of all this is that, in the end, people with an authoritarian mindset and an…
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  • A rare but meaningful victory over the regime's obbsessive insanity. Link here.
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