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    I don't think the majority of the electorate cares enough about the issues you raise here to be inspired to…
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  • Ledeen has used this conversation with a dead psychopath rhetorical device before. I think he did it once using Nixon,…
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  • "Daddyism" = Authoritarianism. "Mommyism" = Democracy Dictatorship or representative democracy; it's a simple as that.
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  • And this is just the first stage of an even more insidious plan. Civilian Inmate Labor Program (pdf file)
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  • I don't know what happened here but sorry for the double post.
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  • I firmly believe Bush will have a complete mental/emotional breakdown before the end of his term in office. As reality…
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  • I firmly believe Bush will have a complete mental/emotional breakdown before the end of his term in office. As reality…
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  • There's been a lot of recent commentary about "community", and about the challenges involved with "community" in the blogs. I'm…
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  • There's this other great quote by Mencken that relates perfectly to the Imbecile Bush and the people who support him.…
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  • Bush's ignorance has been weaponized to such a degree that he is incapable of connecting with reality in any functional…
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  • To the point you make about the Dems I remember when Kerry made his own version of that statement in…
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  • Isn't there a quote; something about the definition of insanity being "doing the same thing over and over again and…
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  • I'm sure there are many examples and case histories referencing the particular dysfunctional pathologies exhibited by Bush throughout the entire…
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  • The only way Bush will dump Rumsfeld is if the people he takes direction from are changed. As long as…
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  • I fully understand that my preference in this Neocon/Carlyle battle is truly a matter of choosing "the lesser of two…
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  • I suspect that this latest revelation is indicative of an ever increasing, serious push by very powerful people in the…
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  • If I were proposing strategy to those who would seek to remove the most malignant part of the Bush regime…
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  • Yes! I agree in all respects with what you say, and I didn't mean to imply that distinguishing between the…
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  • I certainly agree it's important to accurately report that the scheduled blast in Nevada is not a nuclear blast. I'd…
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  • The concept of "freedom" has been rendered virtually meaningless by the Bush regime's use of the term as a generic…
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