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    There will never be an effective and rational border/immigration policy enacted in this country because the economy is structured in…
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  • Throughout history, whenever a democracy is overthrown, the ensuing regime is a vicious police state. Sadly, here in the US…
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  • Whenever I've been discussing "difficult" or complex issues with kids I always try to do so within the context of…
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  • One of the other big differences between a 7 year old mind and an adult mind is that the 7…
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  • You are somewhat correct about bin Laden, though I might dispute your (perhaps indirect) implication that he killed "thousands" of…
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  • Pat Roberts, Sensenbrenner, Duncan Hunter, the always duplicitous shitbird Arlen Specter; all these lying and conniving Repub committee chairmen should…
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  • As long as the press remains as an integral mechanism of an "entertainment" medium, real constitutional democracy will be impossible…
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  • Yes! It is precisely this group of people and interests who I refer to as, (for lack of a better…
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  • I think it's both. Crtainly the scale of neocon ineptitude is staggering in it's scope, but the Carlyle gang also…
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  • The Carlyle Group gang does have enormous clout in the arena of international business interests and economics, and clearly there…
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  • Yes! I've been promoting the idea for quite a while now that the battle between the gang who used to…
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  • "Ad Nags" has been a pathetic media gasbag for a long time now so it's only natural that he'd facilitate…
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  • "THX 1138" was a pretty interesting film that dealt with human rights issues on a serious scale. not necessarily focused…
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  • I stand corrected. All these years I've labored under the false impresion that gold was the premier (metal) conductor.
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  • Even if BushCo does manage to attack Iran, Iran will only threaten those US forces aggressivgely deployed against it, not…
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  • So much for the  "...And the meek shall inherit the Earth" bit in the Christian bible. The descent of the…
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  • The greatest threats we face as a nation come from the White House and the Pentagon. Iran has nothing to…
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  • Gold is the best conductor of all. Alas, as a result of newfound poverty resulting from health care difficulties, there…
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  • I have a lot more respect for the efficacy of "tinfoil hattery" to accurately reflect reality that I did before…
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  • Every con-man and swindler on the planet knows that if you can get people to respond to stimuli emotionally rather…
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