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    Jeff, Thanks for the reply. Certainly you're right that any additional "close scrutiny" by the public would likely be anathema…
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  • "The Razor's Edge"; (Both versions) "Elmer Gantry"
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  • If the neocon's grip on power within the executive branch can be broken, then an aide with a tranquilizer dart…
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  • It seems to me that if we seek the best interests of the country and the world we're truly going…
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  • I've enjoyed your very thoughtful diary here and will go back and read the previous ones in the series. I…
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  • Sadly, making deals with either psychopaths or imbeciles is always an exercise in futility because those so afflicted are irrational,…
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  • I agree that the weight of public opinion doesn't favor my scenario, but then public opinion alone has never really…
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  • In my mind as well.
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  • 2nd to last para above; "publs" = "public".
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  • You could very well be right too MB, and my uncharacteristic optimism on this point might be unwarranted. Certainly I…
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  • Not for lack of enthusiasm or for lack of trying, but I don't think the BushCo Neocons are going to…
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  • My view is she was "deactivated" because her "bosses" were themselves "deactivated" by the Neocons who usurped their power.
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  • One of the things about Robin Wright now, however, is that nothing she puts together seems to be supportive of…
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  • I've posited for quite a while now that there has been a central battle going on for control of the…
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  • The CIA would have noticed certainly, but what could they have done about it; wouild they have ratted her out,…
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  • Since the overtness of Miller's prewar "reporting" apperaed so obviously to be propaganda, I'd assumed from that point on she…
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  • I was tempted several months ago to buy a used copy of that Rolling Stone issue which was for sale…
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  • This diary at European Tribune has more. I was really hoping Berlusconi would be defeated since every time a fascist…
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  • This is a very interesting article in the NYT about the "reversal of fortune", so to speak, of the Bush…
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  • Once this reaches the charge/countercharge point in the media, it becomes rhetorical mud-wrestling, a "he said/he said" form of duelling…
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