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    I never became a member of the military because I knew I wouldn't be able or willing to follow orders…
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  • I don't necessarily agree that all people of good will will condemn the action of atrocity. Many who believe themselves…
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  • Logic or not, I don't see the Bush making any significant troop withdrawls from Iraq at all for any reason…
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  • Quite often a perpetrator is simultaneously a victim, and though this does not excuse the commission of atrocities, it does…
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  • The Nazis were the aggressors that began their war. The Bush regime implemented the aggression of the US against the…
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  • Yes! and it is this "looking to emulate American national behavior" that compounds the crime, so to speak. A wise…
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  • I emphatically disagree with your assessment of Feith and Cambone, (and presumably the rest of the neocon cabal to which…
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  • I think it's pretty clear to everyone here that there's virtually no chance that this administration and/or congress will appoint…
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  • I screwed up a bit with the "bold" text above, but hopefully it won't mis-emphasize my central points about BushCo…
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  • I hope more and more people will finally come to realize that, since the very beginning, Bushco has sought perpetual…
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  • They've built all those permanent, hardened military bases in Iraq because they always intended to remain their in full military…
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  • There will be no significant withdrawl of US troops from Iraq before 2009, if even then. There was never an…
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  • I seem to recall that Canada's "National Post" is (or was) owned by the international criminal Conrad Black, who in…
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  • And Truman authorized the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, criminal acts against humanity for which he should be reviled for…
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  • Yes! Whenever a politician uses the term "... the American People..." in public, he/she is about to propagate a lie.…
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  • I'm with you completely! The "short attention span" tactics of the Dem leadership, (catering to the public appetite for "immediate…
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  • The vast majority of congresscritters understand that if they vote for legislation designed to actually reduce the number of illegal…
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  • Principle rarely matters to our selfish electorate until after they recognize they've lost something valuable through political trickery, and by…
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  • I would support and vote for candidates from a party that understood this simple idea and would actually stand up…
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  • This article in the NYT gives a pretty succinct perspective on the reality of the Bush regime's Iraq.
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