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    Pipes was recess appointed to the USIP by Bush, by all accounts was not well received there, and ultimately left…
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  • I'm no fan of Baker or his criminal cronies, but if it is as I suspect that the empanelling of…
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  • They're so bold with their propaganda because they're delusional. They believe that they can create whatever reality they want by…
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  • As I said on another thread about this same topic yesterday, the most significant thing I see in this panel…
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  • I tried to clarify in the previous post that I did not regard that it was the "business" dimension of…
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  • I don't believe I did make the point you ascribe to me that, (paraphrasing), Because US politics is business that…
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  • You've worn me out. Good luck!
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  • You seem to be implying that I am advocating on Carlyle's behalf despite my several statements to the contrary in…
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  • Even with ethics, compromise can cause irreparable harm if and when people ignore or otherwise avoid taking into account the…
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  • The Carlyle Group did not have the power to stop the neocons from launching the invasion of Iraq because the…
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  • Compromise is one of the dangerous acts engaged in by humankind. The arc of human history is riddled with the…
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  • Pretty much that's what I'm saying. Carlyle is an extremely opportunistic operation that will always take advantage when they can,…
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  • None of the articles you cite here provide any factual indication that Carlyle had anything to do with either the…
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  • Ah yes. The "Let's let the bums running the country get away with their crimes for the good of the…
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  • Carlyle was by and large against the invasion of Iraq, as were, (seemingly unbelievably,) some of their bigoil pals who…
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  • I think Simpson and Guiliani, because they are widely, (if inexplicably, IMHO), regarded as being men of stature and integrity…
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  • I don't think the odious lunatic Daniel Pipes is still a member of the "US Institute for Peace". If I…
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  • As much of a joke as this panel idea seems to be, I nevertheless find it extremely significant that there…
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  • I'm sure there are some instances where that second title might prove to be more useful, so maybe you'll keep…
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  • Gaffney is certainly one of the craziest maniacs in the neocon cabal, rivaling Michael Ledeen and Daniel Pipes and  foaming…
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