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    I've been saying this since even before BushCo and the neocons launched the invasion. My litany of claims went something…
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  • I'm sure there are serious and intense talks going on at the highest levels of the neocon cabal as to…
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  • The "keeping the powder dry" thing would make some sense if there was an indication that the Dems had some…
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  • Faux Dem Joe Klein could have written this. While it is true that the likelihood of the Repubs at the…
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  • High5, Echoing something said above, I'm extremely pleased for your sake that you lived in a place where they were…
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  • I doubt Rove will serve another "master" besides Bush the younger and I doubt anyone with clout would have Rove…
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  • I don't think BushCo could figure out how to groom a replacement for the imbecile they already had. How could…
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  • Even on the torture issue McCain basically capitulated by not condemning the "signing statement" delivered by Bush saying he'd do…
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  • It is perhaps the most alarming of ironies that McCain is the only major Repub contender who seems to advocate…
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  • I like Sparks' description about how; "You feel unclean all the time". This is certainly true. You feel afflicted, diseased,…
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  • I've been made a better person by the courage and wisdom and humanity of all you women speaking from such…
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  • This sounds like maybe the author of the email threat is a friend of those guys arrested for burning all…
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  • I happened to see the powerful film "A Dry White Season" again last night. for those not familiar with it,…
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  • Thank you for the extraordinary compliment Susanw. I was never a "Women's Studies" sort of guy, but I was extremely…
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  • I see "greed" as a function of fear; the fear of "not having enough" mutated into this other institutionalized dynamic…
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  • Both those who use Gods to advance their agenda and those who use politics to advance theirs use each other…
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  • One of the most tragic things ever told to me was said by a good friend who was in a…
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  • "Blaming the victim" is what the fearful always resort to when they need to make sense of and diminish the…
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  • Rape, and the various nastiness that comes from the notion of women as property, as prey, has always been with…
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  • I had 2 direct experiences with abortion when it was still ilegal. One was in 1964 when, at the tender…
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