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    In a just and rational world, Bush and Blair would be regarded as unfortunate souls who've stopped takinbg their medication…
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  • I would love to see a Dem majority in one or the other houses of congress if for no other…
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  • We'd still have to deal with the Repub extremists but we'd at least have a better chance at communicating effectively…
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  • I don't know personally anyone who repudiates all Dems, though it's clear from reading commentaryon some blogs that such people…
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  • The self-aware and ambitious conservative pursues a lifestyle that requires the labor and suffering of a lot of poor people…
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  • While I don't dispute the dynamics of Patriarchy, (or even Matriarchy in those ancient societies that preceeded the "Common Era",…
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  • I read that MSNMBC piece on Jerome too, and while in the past I've found myself disagreeing with both Jerome…
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  • I love celebrating the achievments and wisdom of our fellow BooTribbers. I don't drink champagne any more so I may…
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  • I think this port deal will go through despite the outcry. To me, I see this thing as a key…
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  • The Dem leadership needs to find a core principle or two that they're willing to actually stand up for and…
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  • Super, I'm sure the cows didn't like being in the position they were in, and had their's and my own…
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  • I milked 34 of the stupidest and meanest cows that ever walked the earth for 2 years when I was…
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  • Yeah! I saw that abut the odious Harris the other day. I live in Florida too so anything that happens…
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  • Via C&L, more Bush regime lies exposed by Murray Waas at National Journal.
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  • That's "...'thank you' note...", not "...'thank you' not...".
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  • I would hope that whenever a secular democracy advocate becomes president again that his administration will have as ahigh priority…
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  • Yes! That Bush impersonator is great. And it is hilarious, (tragically so), that Bush seems so celebratory when he completes…
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  • BushCo certainly didn't invent the looting thing, but under his regime the Mammon worshippers ala Norquist, et. al. have accelerated…
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  • That was my reaction too. I can even see that idiotic look of serious concentration he frequently wears on his…
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  • Fear is the #1 weapon in the tyrant's arsenal, and, as you say, it fits conveniently with the zero-sum, win-lose…
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